
Train Signs 2

電車が到着いたします Reading: でんしゃがとうちゃくいたします Meaning: The train is arriving (Densha ga touchaku itashimasu) 電 electricity grade: 2 frequency: 268 JLPT: 5 電話 telephone (call) でん・わ (denwa) 電気 electricity でん・き (denki) 車 car シャ、くるま grade: 1 frequency: 333 JLPT: 5 自動車 car, automobile じ・どう・しゃ (jidousha) 救急車 ambulance きゅう・きゅう・しゃ (kyuukyuusha 到 arrival, proceed, reach トウ、 いた(る) grade: 7-9 frequency: 1032 JLPT: 2 到来 arrival とう・らい (tourai) 着 arrive, wear チャク、 ジャク、 き(る)、つ(く) grade:3 frequency:376 JLPT: 4 着物 clothing, clothes, Kimono き・もの (kimono) 下着 underwear した・ぎ (shitagi) いたす (itasu) is the polte form of する (suru) to do Kanjisigns4U Directory Page

寿司 Japanese Shops 3

First lets look at the writing in black, this is the name of the shop and is also written in romaji at the bottom "nigiri CHOJIRO". Nigiri is sushi made of rice with a topping (fish, egg etc) on top.  This is the first image Japanese people have of sushi, as opposed to the rolled sushi with seaweed around it (which is called maki zushi).  Sushi shops sell both types, but nigiri sushi is slightly more popular than maki zushi.   長次郎 (ちょう・じ・ろう) is just the name, and it is made up of; 長 (long)、次 (next),  郎 (son) 次郎 by itself is a very common traditional name, meaning second son. First son is 一郎 (いち・ろう) (Ichiro) Third son is 三郎 (さぶ・ろう)(Saburo)  Now lets look at the white writing on red. There are three words on three lines, the first line at the top says; 活魚 Reading; かつ・ぎょ (katsugyo) Meaning; live fish 活 lively, living, かつ、い(きる)、い(かす)、い(ける)(Katsu, ikiru, ikasu, ikeru) grade: 2 frequency: 171 JLPT level:...

不動産 Japanese Shops 2

不動産 Reading; ふどうさん Meaning; Real Estate 不 not、フ、ブ (fu, bu) grade; 4 frequency; 101 JLPT level; 4 不足 insufficiency, shortage ふ・そく (Fusoku) 不安 anxiety, uneasiness ふ・あん (Fuan) 動 move, motion, change, confusion どう、うご・く、うご・かす (dou, ugoku, ugokasu) grade; 3 frequency; 73 JLPT level; 4 動物 animal どう・ぶつ (doubutsu) 運動 exercise うん・どう (undou) 産 products, childbirth, property サン、う・む、 う・まれる、うぶ、む・す (san, umu, umareru, ubu, musu) grade; 4 frequency; 161 JLPT level; 4 産業 production さん・ぎょう (sangyou) 国産 domestic こく・さん (kokusan)                  Kanji Signs4u Directory page 2018

Japanese medical signs 5 整形外科

整形外科 Reading; せいけいげか Meaning; Orthopedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery (seikeigeka) 整 organize, arranging, tune, tone セイ、 ととの(える)、ととの(う)(sei, totonoeru, totonou) grade; 3 frequency; 478 JLPT level; 3 調整 adjustment ちょう・せい (chousei) 整理 sorting, arrangement せい・り (seiri) 刑 penalty, sentence, punishment ケイ (kei) grade; 7-9 frequency; 864 JLPT level; 1 刑事 detective けい・じ (keiji) 刑務所 prison けい・む・しょ (keimusho) 外 outside がい、ゲ、そと、ほか、はず・す、はず・れる (gai, ge, soto, hoka, hazu(su), hazu(reru) grade; 2 frequency; 81 JLPT level; 5 海外 foreign country かい・がい (kaigai) 以外 with the exception of い・がい (igai) 科 department, section カ (ka) grade; 2 frequency; 531 JLPT level; 3 科学 science か・がく (kagaku) 科目 (school) subject か・もく (kamoku) Kanji Signs4u Directory page 2018

Kansai Ben Part 2

Here is part 2 of Kansai Ben for part 1 click here 21, そうなんや (そうですか?)Is that right? 22, ほんで (それで?)and then? 23, えらいこっちゃ (大変(たい・へん)なことになった)It`s become a big mess 24, まあ、知(し)らんけど (まあ、知らないけど) Well, I don`t know. 25, 好きやねん (好きですよ)I like it/you 26, 飴(あめ)ちゃんいる? (飴いる?) Would you like a candy? 27, ホンマおーきに (本当(ほんとう)にありがとう)Thank you very much 28, ごめんなー (ごめんね)I`m sorry. 29, やるやん (出来るね)You can do it! (You did it) 30, ドヤ!(すごいだろう!) Look at this/me (don`t I look good) 31, 腹(はら)いたい (おもしろすぎ!)ROFL 32, 嬉しい(うれしい)わ (嬉しいです)i`m happy 33, 行(い)けたら行(い)くわ~ (行けたら行く) I will go if I can. 34, かまへんかまへん (かまわないかまわない) It doesn`t matter 35, アホか! (ばかか!)Are you stupid!? 36, はよ!(早く!)hurry! 37, 腹(はら)たつわー (腹たつ)It makes me angry 38, 39, 泣(な)いてへんし (泣いてないし)i didn`t cry 40, ほなねー (またね)See you Kanjisigns4U Directory Page 2018  If you liked this post please tell your friends, leave comments, subscribe and share to facebook, pinterest, twitter etc...  It will help me to continue produc i...

Kansai Ben Part1

Kansai Ben (Kansai dialect) is spoken around Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe.  There are actually different dialects in each city, but the Osaka dialect is the most famous because Osaka is famous for stand up comedy. In Japan probably the most common way of communicating by cell phone is using an app called line.  I bought these Kansai emoji for my line account and despite there being no kanji I thought I would translate them for you.  I have numbered them from top to bottom left to right, first is what it says, second is the standard Japanese, third is the english.... Enjoy! 1, めっちゃ (とても、超(ちょう)very 2, ええなぁ (良いな (いいな)that`s good 3, めっちゃええなぁ (とても良いな、超良いな(ちょう・いいな)thats very good 4, ええよぉ (良いですよ) that`s OK 5, ほんまに (本当に (ほん・とうに)Really? 6, いやや (いや) disagreeable, detestable 7, あか-ん (だめ)no good, cannot, must not, 8, あかん (だめ)hopeless 9, ほんま? (本当? (ほん・とう?)really? 10, すごいやん (凄いね (すごいね)that`s great/amazing 11, なんでやねん!! (そのわけない) your kidding! 12, なんでやねん (なんで)why? 13, せやろ?(そうやろ)d...

Japanese Medical Signs 4 眼科

眼科 reading; がん・か meaning; opthalmology (ganka) (Quick note; a ophthalmologist (person) is a 眼科医  がん・か・い (Gankai). 眼 eyeball ガン、ゲン、まなこ、め(gan, gen, manako, me) grade: 5 frequency:1527 JLPT level: 1 眼鏡 glasses, spectacles め・がね (megane) 双眼鏡 binoculars そう・がん・きょう (sougankyou) 科 department, section ヵ (ka) grade: 2 frequency: 531 JLPT level: 3 科学 science か・がく (kagaku) 教科 subject, curriculum きょう・か (kyouka) Kanjisigns4U Directory Page 2018  If you liked this post please tell your friends, leave comments, subscribe and share to facebook, pinterest, twitter etc...  It will help me to continue produc ing interesting free material.  Please feel free to use any of the photos on this site  only for non commercial use , as long as you link back to this site. ありがとう!