Elevator Kanji
These are kanji you will see in an elevator at the station. Starting at the top; 改札 Reading; かい・さつ Meaning; Ticket Gate And below a character you will see in almost all elevators in Japan 階. The radical on the left is hill 阝(ぎふのふ)and the remainder of the character 皆(みな、みんな) means "everybody". Reading; かい Meaning; Floor, story Both of the above kanji use gate 門 (もん), on the left "open" which to me looks like a person with arms wide holding the gates open. On the right "close" looks like a person running into a closing elevator. `開く Reading; あ(く) Meaning: Open 閉める Reading; しめる Meaning; Close Kanjisigns4U Directory Page 2018 If you liked this post please tell your friends, leave comments, subscribe and share to facebook, pinterest, twitter etc... It will help me to continue produc ing interesting free material. Please feel free to use any of the photos on this site only for no...